Wild ME!Wild YOU!

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A big HI to the most amazing creature of the universe, to all the beautiful women out there.

W – Woman, W – Wild

Yes darling! You guessed it right. Women are meant to be wild. It’s our birth right to be wild. When we were kids, we were one and the same with the nature, not domesticated,not bound by the rules, no constraints, free to pause and ponder, eager to explore the world, no boundaries of restrictions, free to express our thoughts, and always smiling and laughing whole-heartedly.

Slowly with the pace of time, we start being tamed by the people around us. We forget to laugh, forget to express and forget to believe the tremendous power hidden within us. We don’t pause any more and praise the beauty of the nature. But is this the real WE? NO. We are still wild deep within our heart.

It has been rightly said by Tennessee William that ” Wild is about real adventure, either in the world, or in the mind”. It teaches the caged bird to fly free, and the free bird to accept the limitless sky. Go forth and unleash your heart.carefree-2280933_1920

Come,let’s get rid of those handcuffs and go wherever your heart takes you and do whatever you have desired of.

Let’s get lost in the deep forests and feel the gentle breeze of the woods again.

Let’s once again get mesmerized  with the sounds of the waves and  dance with the tides of the ocean.

Let’s put on those fairy wings lying somewhere inside the closet of your heart and fly high in the sky.

Let’s wake up the real you; hidden within you and take it for an adventurous ride.

Lets meet the real we again; Wild ME! Wild YOU!

Rashmi Jain

Hi, I'm Rashmi. I'm here to experiment, explore, experience and express life and would like my readers to embark on this journey of Words along with me. Let's believe in the magic of Words.

This Post Has 15 Comments

    1. Rashmi

      Thanks a lot:)

  1. Neha Sharma

    Loved your way of writing and expressing! I wanted to read more of it. You have so beautifully expressed what being a woman means, yes we are born wild and we should stay wild and free.

    1. Rashmi

      Thanks a lot Neha. Glad that you can connect with it:)

  2. abhiray59

    Nice clarion call for freedom. Go girl!

    1. Rashmi

      Thanks for the read:)

  3. Jyotirmoy Sarkar

    Very nice write up, the quote is so realistic !!!!
    The society still does not allow the women to fly uninterruptedly, changes needs to take place.

    1. Rashmi

      Let the society do its part. You do yours. Don’t wait for the right moment. Make the moment right.
      Thanks for stopping by Jyotirmoy:)

    1. Rashmi

      Thank you Seema. Never leave your wild.

  4. Pr@Gun

    wow, women, wild, wonderful, worthwhile, full of warmth. loved the read, get rid of all that borders and set free.

    1. Rashmi

      Thank a lot Pragun 🙂

  5. Shilpa Garg

    I love that to happen to me and to all the lovely women around me. Wish we could all take these real adventures both outside and in our minds too. Lovely empowering read 🙂

    1. Rashmi

      Thank you Shilpa for giving it a read. Wish we all can be brave and bold enough to accept our wilderness.

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