I take on the Baton of Blogchatter EBook Carnival from Mahak whose ebook ‘Diary of a Baby’ is also part of the mix. Download this beautiful ebook to get a handful of parenting experience.
I feel #Blogchatter has created a strong impact on many lives. It has changed my life completely. It casted a spell with a magical wand and turned a dream of fantasy into a beautiful reality. It has not only made me take part in a one month continuous blogging challenge, but also made me come across many wonderful souls in this amazing journey. The learning is huge with a life time experience. To be frank, I explored Twitter for the first time, grabbed knowledge scattered all over the #Blogchatter platform, gained wisdom from the intellectuals, and exchanged the views with the wonderful team members. The best part is, it has made me a published author, which I never thought of. So, overall #Blogchatter marathon is worth running.
I still couldn’t believe that I’m an owner of a shiny ebook. It feels incredible to see the print of your name as an author. Your heart swells up with pride when your book becomes your inner voice and is humming its own sweet melody in the vast outside world. You are welcome to have a glimpse of my first ebook at https://www.theblogchatter.com/download/be-wild-again-by-rashmi-jain/